Registered Training Organisation

AuSQ is a recognised training organisation (National Registered Training Organisation ID 22526).

Registered training organisations (RTOs) are recognised by the Australian Government as providers of quality assured and nationally recognised training and qualifications.

Only RTOs such as AuSQ can:

  • Deliver nationally recognised courses and qualifications
  • Apply for Australian, state and territory government funding
  • Create new accredited courses in response to specific demands
  • Register on Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) to provide courses to overseas students studying in Australia


Nationally Recognised Training

Only RTOs can use the nationally recognised training logo on all qualifications and statements of attainment they issue. The logo signifies:

  • the training courses are accredited under the Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF)
  • the qualifications issued are recognised by all other RTOs

This means students will be confident the skills they attain are of a high quality and accepted and valued anywhere in Australia. It also allows students to enrol, transfer or complete their training at any RTO, nationwide.

A training organisation that is not registered may offer training but cannot issue nationally recognised qualifications.


Scope of Qualifications

Our scope of registration allows us to issue learners with a nationally recognised qualification on successful completion of the requirements defined in each course. Where learners gain competency to selected components of the qualification, a nationally recognised Statement of Attainment will be awarded.

MSS40312 - Certificate IV in Competitive Systems and Practices

MSS30312 - Certificate III in Competitive Systems and Practices

MSS20312 - Certificate II in Competitive Systems and Practices

BSB40807 - Certificate IV in Frontline Management